
Liberation through land, food, media and medicine.

We believe in the sacred circle of life. Our projects are spirit-led and are a sacred service to build a harmonious world and New Earth. Medicine is everywhere and in everything. Healing is a direct action and our social movements must reflect the laws of nature. This elemental activism mainstreams the mystical, cleans our rivers, and un-cancels humanity. Liberation is our responsibility.


We regenerate people, land and culture through direct service, sacred activism, and storytelling

Re-store Ecosystems and Community

Re-member Divinity

Re-imagine our Stories

Our work encompasses food, health, and transformative justice, housing rights, rehabilitation, music, media, ancestral wisdom, and community healing


We do this through 3 essential pillars

Essential Food and Medicine

Distributes food surplus and natural medicines to unhoused, formerly incarcerated, and indigenous communities to regenerate people and land.

Solestial Church

Healers, medicine carriers, artists and activists offering ceremony, workshops, and retreats for elemental activism, ancestral healing, and soul restoration. 

Earth Amplified

Multimedia storytelling amplifying elemental and ancestral memory and wisdom, shifting global consciousness.

Our Work

Essential Food & Medicine 2023: Growth

Essential Food and Medicine (EFAM) distributes food surplus and natural medicines to unhoused, formerly incarcerated, and indigenous communities to regenerate people and land.

Whats Your Medicine? Wood St.

WYM at Wood street brought together over 30 different practitioners from all stripes to bring healing to the unhoused residents of Wood Street, one of the largest encampments of unhoused people on the West Coast.


AshEL Seasunz Eldridge, of West African/Blackfoot ancestry, is a longtime activist, ceremonialist, healer, musician, and creator. He is cofounder of Esphera, umbrella of EFAM, Solestial Church, and Earth Amplified, which restores ecosystems, regenerates community, tells stories and remembers divinity.

Xochitl Bernadette Moreno, of Mexican/Australian lineage, is a longtime activist, ceremonialist, clinical herbalist, healer, media maker, and creator. She is a Co Host & producer for KPFA Radio’s, La Onda Bajita; and is cofounder of Esphera, umbrella of EFAM, Solestial Church, and Earth Amplified, which restores ecosystems, regenerates community, tells stories and remembers divinity.

Our Method

We believe that in these times of socio-political unrest, environmental degradation, climate change, and other pivotal emergencies in human culture also provide a critical opportunity and imperative for the “wise ones” to gather for “ceremonial organizing’ ‘. Ceremonial Organizing, a term coined by Carla Perez from Movement Generation, is a response to movement building where spirituality and ancestral wisdom can no longer be considered an “add-on” part of the work. Indeed, an enlarged cosmovision of a multidimensional humanity that includes relationships with the “unseen and the elemental worlds“ are integral to the forward progress and evolutionary processes of Humanity.



Esphera consulting energizes your brand, business, organization, or movement by offering holistic asset mapping, rituals to clear impediments, and practical ways to align your purpose, work, and divine law.


Bring in our dynamic network leaders to activate your podcast, meeting or event.